Membership in the GHSTCA is free for 2021.
Just send the following information to info(at)ghstca.org (replace (at) with @) and we’ll send you a membership confirmation and your password to get into the virtual conference.
- Name
- School
- Title (e.g. Boys head coach, girls assistant coach)
- # of players you coach each year
- # of years you’ve been coaching
- Do you enter your players’ scores into UTR?
- Are you a member of the PTR, USPTA or USTA?
That’s it!
Members will be able to access the 2021 Virtual Annual Conference, be able to identify themselves as GHSTCA members (which lets you use the GHSTCA logo on your business card, stationery, personal website, etc.) and receive other benefits as the organization grows.
You must be a current high school tennis coach in Georgia (or have been recently hired and are preparing to start your first season), or a retired high school tennis coach who coached in Georgia wants to participate in the organization.
Our short membership application will the GHSTCA gather information on Georgia’s high school tennis coaches (e.g., How many years have you been coaching, how many players are in your program, etc.).
Once we receive your application, you will receive an activation email.
We look forward to having you join your fellow coaches as we build the GHSTCA!